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Home / News / Industry News / Bathroom non-slip mats to buy

Bathroom non-slip mats to buy

1. When buying, it is best to buy softer and thinner ones. The softer and thinner the better the anti-skid performance, the anti-skid performance of the anti-skid pads that are too hard will be greatly reduced.
2. Try not to use scented non-slip mats with added fragrances. Now most of the fragrances of non-slip mats are added with artificial fragrances, which are harmful to the human body. You can spray some perfume on the non-slip mats yourself.
3. Although the anti-slip mat is small, it is best to go to a regular store or online store to buy it.
4. When purchasing, it is best to buy two pieces and use them alternately to facilitate cleaning.
When using the non-slip mat, remind: when using it for the first time, first wipe the non-slip mat with alcohol and place it in a cool and ventilated place to dry for half a day, about 12 hours. This can achieve the effect of sterilization and sterilization and prolong the anti-skid the life of the pad. When using it later, it should be cleaned once a month, preferably with alcohol or water.
What are bathroom anti-slip mats and bathroom anti-slip mats? We shared the basic knowledge and purchasing skills of anti-slip mats. Is it helpful to you? We generally recommend plastic or rubber bathroom anti-slip mats, which can withstand the moisture in the bathroom.
Bathroom non-slip mats to buy

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